sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Association of Latin American Studies

Associação de Estudos Latino-Americanos

Throughout universal history, in each period of time, a group of nations rises up to construct a new philosophy and to give new eyes to the world.

*IMF may raise Brazil 2010 GDP growth view-official.. 

*The Nobel Prize in Literature 2010 was awarded to Mario Vargas Llosa "for his cartography of  structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat." (Peru)

*Properties inscribed on the World Heritage List – Brazil...Argentina,... (UNESCO)

Today marks the beginning of a new era; the age of Latin America.

What will you do?
Will you pretend to remain in the past, or discover the magical and powerful cultures of Latin America?

The Association of Latin American Studies will show you the way.

How to find ALAS?

Twitter: @aelaalas

AELA - Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos
AELA - Associação de Estudos Latino-Americanos
ALAS - Association of Latin America Studies

Woodworth Jason Osborne

"Todo hombre tiene el deber de cultivar su inteligencia con respeto a si propio y al mundo"

José Martí


El Grupo Irakere: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luhBLXDVCXY
Donald Duck in Brazil/O Pato Donald no Brasil:


Não há vagas/No vacancies
O preço do feijão/the price of the beans
não cabe/doesn't fit no poema/in the poem O preço/the price do arroz/of the rice
não cabe/doesn't fit no poema/in the poem.
Não cabem/doesn't fit no poema/in the poem o gás/the gas
a luz/the light o telefone/the telephone
a sonegação/the fraud
do leite/of the milk
da carne/of the meat
do açúcar/of the sugar
do pão/of the bread.
O funcionário público/the public official
não cabe/doesn't fit no poema/in the poem
com seu/with his salário/salary de fome/of hunger
sua/his vida/life fechada/closed
em arquivos/in archives.
Como/like não cabe/doesn't fit no poema/in the poem
o operário/the worker
que/that esmerila/polishes seu dia/his day de aço/of steel
e carvão/and carbon
nas oficinas escuras/in dark offices
porque/because o poema/the poem, senhores/sirs
está/is fechado/closed: “não há vagas"/"no vacancies"
Só cabe/only fits no poema/in the poem
o homem/the man sem estômago/without a stomach
a mulher/the woman de nuvens/of clouds
a fruta/the fruit sem preço/without a price
O poema/the poem, senhores/sirs,
não fede/doesn't stink
nem cheira/doesn't smell.